The average sneeze sends around 100,000 germs into the air up to 25 feet away!

When you cough or sneeze, you may see some droplets, but you don’t see the entire cloud—the invisible gas phase. This germ cloud extends the range of the individual droplets, particularly the small ones. The germ cloud allows the droplets to become airborne pathogens that travel anywhere from five to 200 times the distance of the initial sneeze location!
A single sneeze can contain 40,000 to upwards of 100,000 droplets; traveling at speeds up to 100 mph
A single cough can expel around 3,000 droplets; traveling at speeds up to 50 mph
Some sneezes can send small droplets of germs up to 200 feet away
Studies have shown that once airborne, germs in these tiny droplets can survive for hours. When a droplet lands on paper, its germ particles can survive even longer. On steel or plastic, they can survive for days. Even if the droplets hit a surface, the germs can survive and still spread if the droplets become airborne later.
With cold and flu season in full force, be sure to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, wash your hands regularly and help keep your immune system strong all year long by taking MBi Silver daily!
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